Constructing or Repairing a Pond or Wetland

We have the experience to properly manage your wetland construction project which is essential to ensuring that the wetland will ultimately develop properly and maximize environmental benefits.

Unlike a typical construction project, Constructing Wetlands require the construction of both physical and biological systems. Our team uses this unique perspective to make informed decisions and build wetlands which will flourish as an ecosystem.


Proper planning is essential for a successful project. This includes permits, scheduling, and coordination with other contractors or stakeholders as required.

If possible, scheduling a target construction completion date that will maximize plant growth at the site during the first growing season will help establish a vegetative community. For small wetland sites (less than 1 acre), mid-spring to early summer is the ideal time for completing construction and planting. Larger sites that may require longer timetables or a phased planting approach should be planned with greater consideration.

We recommend planning the specifics of construction in a formal document for the project that includes design plans, construction guidelines, existing infrastructure, required construction materials, equipment required, and task sequences. Sharing this plan in addition to an initial site meeting to discuss the details of the project, can help to ensure not only the overall success of the project but control your development budget.

It’s important that your wetland or pond construction project have the appropriate oversight.

Experience and detailed project management practices can be employed to help implement successfully each step in the Construction Sequencing. Sometimes simply completing a task out of order can lead to a costly setback.

A successful completion of a wetland or pond construction or repair is dependent on solid Construction Components.

Excavation and Wetland Soil Preparation Techniques

The excavation of ponds and wetlands can make or break a project from both success and budget standpoints.

It’s not as simple as pulling a machine off a trailer and starting to dig. Excavation should begin in a matter of peeling back the layers of soil, and building the pond in a certain order with the soils to ensure the pond will have a strong base that will not leak. While many locations have good topsoil that is excellent for growing wetland plants, sometimes designed soil cuts for the wetland expose nutrient deficient subsoil. If soil is not replaced in the proper way, after appropriate grading, vegetation grown on these areas should also be designed and protected.

Site Stabilization

An unprotected site can result in the loss of topsoil through erosion which will cost time and money to repair. Active repairs or construction to pond or wetland banks should be stabilized at the end of each day for best protection against erosion.

Inlet Structures

Pond or wetland designs should include structure to prevent severe erosion and instability in the inlet area(s). If the pond or wetland receives inflow from multiple sources, such as subsurface drains, slope drains, or surface water swales, these areas should also be design and protected against erosion.


Planting is an important part of a successful project. This includes the proper selection, placement, and density of plantings. Inexperience in this area will affect not only the performance of a wetland or pond but greatly affect its appearance.


Once a pond or wetland has been constructed and planted, the job is not over. The wetland needs to be managed as it is developing. It is particularly vulnerable in its early stages to drought, large storms, and herbivory.

Managing water levels, ensuing the plants are properly cared for and or irrigated, and assuring the banks also receive water regularly will help establish the vegetation that will stabilize the banks and prevent erosion.

Heavy rainfall or other erosion may result in the banks needing to be reshaped, reseeded, and matting reapplied.

Waterfowl and burrowing animals can damage plants and berms. If a dense vegetative community is established in the first growing season, plant growth will typically outpace losses from wildlife browsing.

Let our team help you with your maintenance and repairs.